Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Compare And Contrast The Black Death - 1171 Words

The are many different perspectives of how the Black Death was formed or produced, and how it grew progressively larger. The Black Death was a horrible plague that killed over half of Europe’s population. The art portraying the Black Death can be compared and can be seen with multiple similarities but also quite a few differences. Some similarities are religious beliefs and how gruesome the plague was. The most convincing piece of art that was included in The Black Death was St. Sebastian Intercedes during the Plague Pavia. It has so much action and symbolism going on in one piece of artwork. The art shows the plague and the seriousness of the disease. There were too many dead, and the rest was suffering. St. Sebastian can be seen†¦show more content†¦War was when people were throwing their dead at one another and over walls. He could have created the anger and the push to want to hurt one another through the disease. Famine was when the plague made it very difficult to find food during those years. He could have created a shortage or made the civilians starved when he knew there was nothing left to eat. Death would have been the last to show up to the party. He would have waited until everyone was getting hungry, and suffocating over their own vomit and blood. Then he would reap, and reap over 55% of Europe’s population.. The four horsemen seem like a stretch, but it is a very persuasive side. He is the head reaper, someone who comes to collect the souls and the lives of those who need to pass on. If someone sees Death, then they are most likely next to die. Death was a huge part of the plague because of the excessive amount of people that were killed. The other pieces of art did not justify the Black Death in the way that I depicted it. There was one piece of art that fit with another: St. Sebastian. That piece of artwork correlated with the piece I previously talked about St. Sebastian Intercedes during the Plague Pavia because it has the same person featured in both works of art. In the first piece of art by Sandro Botticelli only showed St. Sebastian being hung and shot with arrows until he died. That was not enough information to describeShow MoreRelatedEngl 102 Fiction Essay770 Words   |  4 PagesENGL 102 Fiction Essay Liberty University Online Micheal McIntosh Fiction Essay The first of the two stories I chose to compare and contrast is titled â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and the second story is titled â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† by D.H. Lawrence. I will compare each of their themes, characters, and plot developments in which they are both similar and different. 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